Even in Chaos

in Life with Shari

Chaos - Noun. Complete disorder and confusion.

I keep telling you that I am weird. And I know most of you are well aware and know I would not take offense if someone called me that. (Read the book Weird. Because Normal isn't Working - such a great book!)

But I am truly weird. I know I have times when I totally loose it over extremely small things. However, I actually think I thrive through many forms of Chaos. Don't get me wrong, I like to have a plan. I am a type A personality, and have been called a control freak, but throw me a curveball and I have been known to knock it out of the park. 😆😆😆 Ok maybe not quite that dramatic. 😊

Sometimes, it is in chaos where I find peace. I am comforted by the beauty in disarray. I find common ground with another person's chaos.

Often, it is where I find God's hands at work. I can plan to my hearts content, but the chaos that inevitably comes, is where I believe we can find God's sense of humor and love for us. Many times that is where we find His miracles.

How about you?  What do you see in the chaos?


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